This City Sunrise Sings In Unison

This City Sunrise

This City Sunrise

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Human nature.

We made it to Melbourne. Alive and well.

All our stuff is in a big pile on Kimbra's floor. She's so very nice to let us stay here whilst we get our shit together. Jobs, homes, food, etc.

There's not a lot to share about Melbourne just yet. We caught an early flight here and drunk a lot of beer. It's free on the plane. We got stung with a hefty excess weight charge (as in, we could buy 2 XBox 360's instead) so we took it upon ourselves to drink what we could. Money's worth, right?

As expected we've been getting out and about, catching up with friends and procuring hangover's. It's all slowing down now though, money is tight and we can't exactly be the rockstar alcoholics we dream to be just yet.

Otherwise, that's about it. Life hunting.


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