This City Sunrise Sings In Unison

This City Sunrise

This City Sunrise

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Small Collection

There is a small collection of Werther's Original wrappers building up around my desk. I've been eating them a lot.

There's also a small collection of shows building up for when we get to Australia.

Pity about the small collection of money we have, selling our small collections of gear to afford things like food, water, expensive beer and new socks.

Listen to the new These Arms Are Snakes song.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Being Shut Down.

It's a good feeling playing shows with bands such as Strangers. They're a heavy band, but they haven't given in to the whole Metalcore movement. Which is great. Because seriously, bar very few bands, we loathe the prospect of sitting through breakdown after fuckin' breakdown.

It's good because when we're chillin' before the show we're listening to Coliseum, Breach, My Disco, Young Widows and more. Occasionally there's a humorous hair metal song thrown in that I don't find funny but people get excited. That's cool.

Furthermore, the musicians have sweet gear, put on a professional show and call shit as they see it. No bullshit, genuine as people playing music that matters to them.

We love music in general and play with bands of all sounds and sizes, but sometimes I feel it's most redeeming to see a heavy band shine with whatever it is they're doing. Akaname, Robotosaurus, Strangers, AVALANCHE etc.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Buzzy Bee Dumpster

Majestic flight,
Feet above the ground.
I am safe upbringing,
Keeping children sound.

Drag me along with training wheels & wooden wings
I pretend I can soar
Amongst plants and things,
Comforting he who wishes he could only be
Something more.

But when creation gets close
Individual & otherwise gross
The junior that has me on string runs away
Scared of the sting.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friends, amongst others.

We live in a circle. We're surrounded by positive out-look, 'life is more than 9 to 5' people. Our friends. The best people we know.

When it gets late, ourselves and our friends go home and write serriously about serious stuff using serious words like 'wish', 'voice' and 'transparent'. Some of us also do it wearing headphones on the bus, whilst in conversation at lunch or during ciggie breaks at work.

We're a funny group of friends. Look after your friends.

My feet upset the water on the pavement,
Grey and wet and cold.
The rain on my face doesn't bother me,
The problem lies within my shoes.
They are getting old, full of holes.

There are rips in my jeans,
This T-Shirt just barely clean.
It's a wonder anyone sees anything in me.

Though I aren't commercially impressive,
I do have desire.
I want to drown, drown, drown
In beautiful sound.
Not water, girls mother's despair,
Drown in sound, peaceful and unaware.

Monday, August 4, 2008

We Care A Lot

We're probably (most definitely, rather) one of those bands that people say "they shouldn't take themselves so seriously, maaaaannnnn".

Maybe we aren't taking ourselves seriously enough.

We're moving to Melbourne in October.