This City Sunrise Sings In Unison

This City Sunrise

This City Sunrise

Friday, October 31, 2008

Studio V. 2

Still here.

Our voices were being lame and not hitting the right notes or tones last night so we started drinking to soften things up, but really all it did was cost us money and give us light headaches in the morning. We were getting served at the bar by some girl in a Halloween costume who we appropriately named 'Tits'. We didn't say it to her face, of course.

All the guitars are done and it sounds big. Big Al's big guitars.
We're eating a lot of fruit.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Studio V. 1

We've been in Sydney a couple of days now. We haven't really seen any of Sydney except for having to mission around the place, late at night, trying to find Davinia's house. The last leg involved dodging cockroaches on the footpath, they come out at night apparently. Feeding on the filth and all that. Fuckin' weird. Cockroaches can get fucked. Ew.

We've had a few hiccups early on, but nothing to put us out of order. We bought a brand new video camera to film all our new ventures. Used it for a few days, then left it on a train to the studio. Hah.

However, in studio, good stuff is happening. Finishing off some bass things this morning, and then onto guitars, vocals and mixing. Everything should effectively be done in the next week. We'll probably have something new for you to hear real soon.

Cool. Here's some photos.

Dave is a fuckin' King.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Human nature.

We made it to Melbourne. Alive and well.

All our stuff is in a big pile on Kimbra's floor. She's so very nice to let us stay here whilst we get our shit together. Jobs, homes, food, etc.

There's not a lot to share about Melbourne just yet. We caught an early flight here and drunk a lot of beer. It's free on the plane. We got stung with a hefty excess weight charge (as in, we could buy 2 XBox 360's instead) so we took it upon ourselves to drink what we could. Money's worth, right?

As expected we've been getting out and about, catching up with friends and procuring hangover's. It's all slowing down now though, money is tight and we can't exactly be the rockstar alcoholics we dream to be just yet.

Otherwise, that's about it. Life hunting.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

It sucks that you're leaving...

It's funny (like literally, actual "haha" funny) how anyone in this country can say to us "aww, don't go", "pleeeeease don't go?" and "damn, that sucks that you're leaving".

This is the very reason we're leaving. Bar a small few whom we know really do appreciate our band, the rest all seem about as genuine as The Veronicas, Katy Perry etc. I'm fairly certain I've spoken to every single person that's ever seen us play. It's not like we had any support from anyone or anything significant. It's not like New Zealand was going to present us with any real opportunity.

The coolest thing that happened for us in NZ, was the HORSE the band tour, and we lost $700 by agreeing to it. It was only 3 shows! If we didn't miss our flight because we got every red light in Wellington and an uncoperative airport bitch, then we'd have only lost $400.

We can tour and make some money, sure. Once a year maybe. We could make $200. We could play 6, maybe 7 shows on that tour. Get time off our full time jobs to support ourselves. Or we could go overseas and work hard as fuck and get ourselves into a position of touring 6, maybe 7 months a year and be constantly surrounded by opportunity.

And before any indie hip d.i.y trend setting fuck tries to tell us we're wrong, we are This City Sunrise. We aren't one of the plethora of in bands that exist in New Zealand right now. We don't have a huge sub culture of sheep to leech off.

We want to play music for a living. A shit living, but it's living. Life. It's the only thing we know how to do.

It sucks that we're leaving.
Hah! I couldn't be more excited.